To launch our brand new gym in Chandler’s Ford, we’re offering some awesome perks and freebies to everyone who signs up – but for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Purchase a regular price Group Fitness monthly membership and you will get the following:
• A free personal training session for you and a friend (value £85)
• A free nutrition consultation with personalised Precision Nutrition programme (value £75)
• Access to our full class schedule straightaway without the onboarding fee (value £250)
• Founders’ Club t-shirt with your Founders’ Club number on it (value £30)
• PentaLife branded goodies (value £30)
Prefer a bit more 1:1 attention?
Purchase a regular price Personal Training monthly membership and you will get the following:
• A free personal training session for you and a friend (value £85)
• A free nutrition consultation with personalised Precision Nutrition programme (value £75)
• Founders’ Club t-shirt with your Founders’ Club number on it (value £30)
• PentaLife branded goodies (value £30)
Both packages also include a lifetime of bragging rights for being one of our Founders’ Club members!
Will you be the one to get the coveted #1 Founders’ Club t-shirt??
Chat to us to find out more!