World Menopause Day 2024

The menopause is a BIG topic which is thankfully being spoken about a lot more than it used to be. Even if you are not personally affected right now by the perimenopause or menopause, there is probably someone in your life who is; a friend, colleague, partner, sister, mum or grandma. The menopause is going to affect about 50% of the population so it needs to be high on the agenda!

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause are many and varied but can include:

  • Changes to your menstrual cycle
  • Anxiety, mood swings and irritability
  • Brain fog, difficulty concentrating and loss of memory
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Thinning hair and brittle nails
  • Ace and dry or itchy skin
  • Dry mouth and sensitive teeth and gums
  • Digestive issues – diarrhoea and constipation
  • Night sweats and poor sleep
  • Reduced sex drive and discomfort during sex
  • Changes in body shape or composition and weight gain.

Each woman’s experience of the menopause is unique but one of the best ways to manage the experience is to ensure you have a strong support network around you made up of health care providers, coaches, counsellors, other women, family and friends. Ask for help. You’re certainly not alone!

Time to take action?

Although symptoms are complex and inter-related, you can significantly affect your menopause symptoms with healthy nutrition and regular activity. A few things you can try:

  • Keep your body fat in a healthy range; avoid yo-yo dieting
  • Exercise at least 5 hours each week, and include weight-bearing activities as well as stress-relieving activities such as outdoor walking
  • Consume plenty of whole, plant foods like vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds
  • Include protein with every meal such as lean meat, fish, dairy and eggs
  • Control intake of alcohol, caffeine and sugar
  • Avoid processed foods, added salt and smoking
  • Stay hydrated
  • Consider eating small amounts of whole soy foods each day if you are not sensitive to soy products
  • Manage stress and meditate.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, speak to your doctor for advice but if you feel that addressing your nutrition and exercise could be a good first step, book a Free Intro with us and let’s have a chat! 💙

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