Our upcoming events!

We’re making loads of progress getting the gym ready for the launch of our full class schedule on Monday 23rd May!

In the meantime…

A quick reminder of our upcoming events:

Saturday 21st MayHard Hat Tour

Come and get a first look at the gym, hear about our plans and find out more about our Founders’ Club and the memberships available to you.

Saturday 18th June – Open Day

A chance to see our fully fitted-out gym, sample our bespoke PentaLife coffee blend – created by our friends at Hocombe Coffee – and enjoy some healthy snacks. 

PLUS, the chance to enter a prize draw to win PentaLife branded goodies and other fab prizes!


Let us know if you’re coming to either (or both!) events by hopping on over to our Facebook page . If you’re not on Facebook, just send us an email to [email protected].

See you soon!

Naomi and David

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